Achieving Success With a Manageable Workload: Tips for Business Owners
Are you a business owner or entrepreneur struggling to create a manageable workload while still achieving success? Jadah Sellner, author of She Builds: The Anti-Hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life, was my guest on the podcast and she has the perfect solution. In this blog, I’ll outline how Jadah Sellner overcame her own burnout and used her Support Squad system to find sustainable success. From her perspective as an entrepreneur, Jadah Sellner explains how it’s possible to have a successful business without sacrificing your mental and physical health. She details the importance of having a support system, practical core business strategies, and understanding that working hard is not the only path to success.
I’ll walk you through Jadah Sellner’s journey and provide you with the tools to build your own Support Squad and achieve success with a manageable workload.
About Jadah Sellner
Jadah Sellner is a renowned business coach, author, and entrepreneur whose story resonates with so many of us who have experienced burnout and exhaustion from working too hard. With her book titled “She Builds: The Anti-Hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life”, she is helping people find a way to break the cycle of toxic productivity, build something meaningful and profitable, and live a life that is full and fulfilling. With her unique blend of practical and intentional strategies and her own experiences in navigating the often turbulent world of entrepreneurship, Jadah is helping people to stay in the game and build differently, with love.
Why is it important for business owners to create a manageable workload while still achieving success?
For entrepreneurs, business owners, and self-employed people, it is essential to create a manageable workload in order to achieve success. This is because too much work can lead to burnout, which can have a negative impact on the business. When there is too much work, it can be difficult to prioritize tasks, leading to missed deadlines and lower-quality work. Additionally, an unmanageable workload can cause stress and fatigue, leading to decreased productivity and motivation. Creating a manageable workload also allows business owners to focus on their long-term goals, which can be difficult if they are constantly trying to accomplish too much at once.
By taking the time to plan out their workload, entrepreneurs and business owners can ensure that they are working on tasks that will help them reach their goals. This can also help them better organize their time and resources, allowing them to be more efficient and productive. Ultimately, creating a manageable workload is essential for business owners to achieve success while avoiding burnout.
Here are the steps Jadah recommends following:
1. Have a support squad to help foster success. This should include peers and colleagues, mentors and advisors, and someone to hold the emotional and interior world.
2. Invest in yourself by taking the time to ask if you would do something again to earn your stripes and move up in a company.
3. Be honest about the consequences of working too hard and sacrificing too much, and foster a different definition of success for the next generation. Let’s break each of the steps down into detail.
Have a support squad to help foster success.
Having a support squad to help foster success is an essential step for any aspiring entrepreneur. This should include peers and colleagues who can provide support and advice, mentors and advisors to provide guidance and someone to hold the emotional and interior world. This could be a therapist or life coach, someone who can provide a safe space to be seen and heard without judgment.
It’s important to spread out the responsibilities among different people and not expect one person to be everything. This squad should provide a holistic approach to growth and success so that during both the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, there is someone to celebrate and encourage. Having these people in your life can provide the insight and guidance necessary to prevent burnout and create a more sustainable business.
Having a support squad can also help to give perspective and provide advice from different points of view. For example, a mentor may have more experience in the industry that can provide insight into a difficult problem, while a colleague may have a fresh perspective that could help to break through an impasse. Having a strong team of people around can help to alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed, as well as provide a sense of safety and comfort. It’s also important to remember to take care of yourself.
Working hard and taking risks are essential for success, but if it’s not balanced with rest and self-care, feeling burned out or unmotivated is inevitable. Taking the time to step away, recharge, and reflect on the journey of entrepreneurship can be incredibly useful and allow for a more sustainable approach. Having a support squad can help to create a strong foundation that can make it easier to take care of yourself and ultimately, foster success.
Invest in yourself by taking the time to ask if you would do something again to earn your stripes and move up in a company.
Investing in yourself by taking the time to ask if you would do something again to earn your stripes and move up in a company is an important step in preventing burnout and creating sustainable success. Jadah suggests that the first step in this process is to recognize the traditional book publishing process and the collective burnout that is heightened right now. Additionally, she suggests that it is important to take into account all of life’s responsibilities and obligations when building a business. This includes taking into account age, stage of life, and other commitments.
Furthermore, Jadah suggests that in order to prevent burnout, it is important to create a new peer group and create new standards for success. This means recognizing toxic productivity and opting out of the hustle-and-grind mentality. Additionally, she suggests that it is important to build a business with love and intentionality and to take time to pace ambition. Finally, Jadah suggests that it is important to have a support squad to provide emotional, spiritual, and intellectual support. This includes peers, mentors, and advisors, as well as a therapist or life coach to provide emotional support. By investing in yourself and creating a support squad, it is possible to prevent burnout and create sustainable success.
Jadah also recommends that it is important to create boundaries and practice self-care. This includes setting clear boundaries around how much time you are willing to devote to your business and taking the time to unplug and relax. Additionally, it is important to take the time to celebrate successes, however small they may be. This can be done by taking a break to enjoy a cup of coffee or a walk in nature, or even just taking a few minutes to appreciate the hard work you have put in.
Finally, it is important to remember that mistakes are part of the process of success and to not be afraid to fail. This can be done by viewing mistakes as learning opportunities and using them to make informed decisions for future business endeavors. By setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and not being afraid to fail, it is possible to prevent burnout and create sustainable success.
Overall, Jadah suggests that it is important to invest in yourself and create sustainable success by taking the time to ask if you would do something again to earn your stripes and move up in a company. Additionally, it is important to create a new peer group and create new standards for success, build a business with love and intentionality, and have a support squad to provide emotional, spiritual, and intellectual support. Finally, it is important to create boundaries and practice self-care, as well as to not be afraid to fail. By investing in yourself and creating a support system, it is
Be honest about the consequences of working too hard and sacrificing too much
Jadah and I also talked about how many women were forced into entrepreneurship due to the pandemic and how they were influenced by male entrepreneurs who had a “50s housewife” to take care of the tasks they weren’t good at or didn’t want to do. She encourages entrepreneurs to build their businesses with intentionality and spaciousness, giving themselves permission to slow down and not put a timeline on their dreams, but rather on their actions. Jadah also talks about the tension between different generations when it comes to work ethic, and how older generations can be resentful of the younger generations for wanting different standards.
She encourages people to be honest about the consequences of working too hard and sacrificing too much and to build their businesses with the understanding that burnout is not an option. She also emphasizes the importance of having a support squad, both for practical tasks and for emotional support, in order to prevent burnout and foster success. Finally, Jadah talks about the fear of success and how it can be destabilizing when people reach a level of success beyond what they expected. All these points are essential to consider when fostering a different definition of success for the next generation.
Jadah also talks about the importance of self-care and how it can help us to be more productive in the long run. She encourages people to take time to rest, reflect and reset in order to gain clarity and focus on their goals. This is especially important for entrepreneurs, who often have to juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities. Self-care helps to ensure that we are better equipped to handle the demands of our work, and can help to prevent burnout.
It is also important to prioritize relationships and social connections in order to foster a different definition of success. Jadah talks about how we can learn and be inspired by others, and how our relationships can help to shape and inform our success. Building relationships can be a powerful tool to mentor and support each other, and to foster resilience and strength. By creating a space to talk about our successes and failures, we can learn from each other and create a more balanced definition of success.
Achieving sustainable success without sacrificing your mental and physical health is possible, but it takes a different approach. As Jadah Sellner explains in her new book, “She Builds The Anti-Hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life”, it is essential to have a support squad, invest in yourself, and foster a different definition of success. By investing in yourself and creating a support squad, it is possible to prevent burnout and create sustainable success. You can achieve success with a manageable workload and still maintain your mental and physical health — the key is to believe in yourself and take action!